New Home in July: Bali, Indonesia

by joshuavoydik

New Home in July: Bali, Indonesia

Casey and I will be heading to Bali, Indonesia in a month. Wait, what?! “I thought you were going to Thailand?” you ask.

Well, we did–and it’s been fun. That’s the cool thing about working from your computer, you don’t have to be confined to a particular geographic location.

There are several reasons we have decided to slow travel, and live in multiple locations. The biggest reason is simply, because we can.

The military coup is not the most fun thing in the world, with entertainment closing earlier than usual–and we’re not 100% sure how these politics will play out. Chiang Mai is great, we love it and love the people, as well as the food and still have another five weeks here.

Bali has a strong expat and entrepreneurial presence, catering to these crowds with low costs of living. It also has some of the best surfing in the world.

We just figured why not.